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Copper Sulphate

Copper Sulphate   Copper Sulphate Uses:-                               Niche Uses Copper(II) sulfate has attracted many niche applications over the centuries. In industry copper sulfate has multiple applications. In printing it is an additive to book binding pastes and glues to protect paper from insect bites; in building it is used as an additive to concrete to provide water resistance and disinfectant qualities. Copper sulfate can be used as a coloring ingredient in artworks, especially glasses and potteries. [28]  Copper sulfate is also used in firework manufacture as a blue coloring agent, but it is not safe to mix copper sulfate with chlorates when mixing firework powders. [29] Lowering a copper etching plate into the copper sulfate solution. Copper sulfate was once used to kill  bromeliads , which serve as mosquito breeding sites. [30]  Copper sulfate is used as a molluscicide to treat  bilharzia  in tropical countries. [28]                                                       
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Copper Acetate

                                                         Copper Acetate  Copper Acetate Uses:-  Copper acetate  is  used  as a fungicide, catalyst, oxidizer, and as a blue-green pigment for making paint and other art supplies. The blue-green crystals are easy enough to grow as a beginner crystal-growing project.

Copper Carbonate

Copper Carbonate Copper Carbonate Uses:- Both malachite and azurite, as well as basic copper carbonate have been used as  pigments . [8]  One example of the use of both  and its artificial form blue verditer [9]  The green color is achieved by mixing blue and yellow pigments. [11] It has also been used in some types of make-up, like  lipstick , although it can also be toxic to humans. It also has been used for many years as an effective algaecide in farm ponds and in aquaculture operations.  [12]  

Calsium Acetate

 Calsium Acetate   Calsium Acetate Uses:- In  kidney disease , blood levels of  phosphate  may rise (called  hyperphosphatemia ) leading to bone problems. Calcium acetate binds phosphate in the diet to lower blood phosphate levels. [2] Calcium acetate is used as a  food additive , as a stabilizer, buffer and  sequestrant , mainly in candy products under the number E263. Tofu  is traditionally obtained by coagulating  soy milk  with  calcium sulfate . Calcium acetate has been found to be a better alternative; being soluble, it requires less skill and a smaller amount. [3] Because it is inexpensive, calcium acetate was once a common starting material for the synthesis of  acetone  before the development of the  cumene process : [4] [5] A saturated solution of calcium acetate in alcohol forms a semisolid, flammable gel that is much like "canned heat" products such as  Sterno . [6]  Chemistry teachers often prepare "California Snowballs", a mixture of calcium acetate so

Barium Nitrate

 Barium Nitrate  Barium Nitrate Uses:- It's used to manufacture glass products. Don't be fooled by the green fireworks– Barium Nitrate is also used to make high quality, low thermal expansion  glass  products. The oxygen in Barium Nitrate helps keep glass clearer and free of discoloration. Barium Nitrate is also used in the manufacture of optical glass.

Aluminium Nitrate

Aluminium Nitrate                                                                Aluminium Nitrate Uses Aluminium nitrate is a strong oxidizing agent. It is used in  tanning  leather,  antiperspirants ,  corrosion inhibitors , extraction of  uranium ,  petroleum refining , and as a  nitrating  agent. The nonahydrate and other hydrated aluminium nitrates have many applications. These salts are used to produce  alumina  for preparation of insulating  papers , in  cathode ray tube  heating elements, and on  transformer  core laminates. The hydrated salts are also used for the extraction of  actinide  elements. [3]

Sodium Thayosulphate

      Sodium Thayosulphate                                                                                  Medical uses Sodium thiosulfate is used in the treatment of  cyanide poisoning . [3]  Other uses include topical treatment of  ringworm  and  tinea versicolor , [3] [5]  and treating some side effects of  hemodialysis [6]  and  chemotherapy . [7]                                                               Photographic Processing   Silver   halides, e.g.,   AgBr , typical components of photographic emulsions, dissolve upon treatment with aqueous thiosulfate: This application as a  photographic fixer  was discovered by  John Herschel . It is used for both  film  and  photographic paper  processing; the sodium thiosulfate is known as a  photographic fixer , and is often referred to as 'hypo', from the original chemical name, hyposulphite of soda. [8]   Ammonium thiosulfate  is typically preferred to sodium thiosulfate for this application. [2]